About Me

I have previous experience as a Medical Technologist and a Dentist. I was also a pre-veterinary student at Michigan State University and took many animal husbandry classes. So I have scientific expertise and know how to use and dose medications. I have been trained in microbiology, physiology, pathology, immunology, pharmacology, surgery and several other areas of study. Every procedure and practice I use on our farm must have real proof of effectiveness and be evidence-based. I don't rely on anecdotal evidence or flimsy internet stories. I also try things out on the homestead before I relay how these practices work out. All of my advice is therefore reliable and useful. Don't ever. Ever. Listen to advice on the internet that doesn't follow this high criteria.

Best Mission

At the Best Organic Homestead, we aim to raise our own organic eggs, organic poultry meat, and breed poultry that brood and hatch their own chicks, as well as growing or providing on the homestead as much of our own poultry food as possible. Our goal is to be as self-sufficient, and as sustainable as possible.

Additional Goals

1. We will sell surplus eggs and meat ONLY when it becomes available. We will also sell breeding poultry when available. 2. We will also share through our website, how we have managed to reach our goals -and when we have failed. One of our primary goals will be teaching others and sharing knowledge 3. We will also share products that work, and those that don't. As well as other tips, shortcuts and other important information.

Long & Short Term Goals

All short term: 1. Get my winterizing done! 2. Get my spring breeding all set up and ready for March Muscovy breeding time. 3. Duck nesting sites. 4. Finish the chicken nesting sites. 5.Spring: Finish planting for chicken food.